Choose a Mask with Benefits

Choose a mask with benefits. Active ingredients are best for creating results and correcting issues and concerns in the skin.  Vitamin C – An active ingredient that helps to brighten and lighten discoloration. An antioxidant which slows down the free radicals; furthermore, slowing down the aging process. Great for malasma, hyperpigmentation, post hyperinflamatory pigmenation, sun damaged …

Do Not Give Up On Your Skin

Skincare is anything but easy, but do not give up on your skin. It seems like it should be as easy as brushing your teeth; however, it can prove to be more complicated them one might think. What to use for different skin types and when to use it. How often and how much. These …

Treat Your Body To What It has Been Craving

Your body is a Wonderland Skincare is not just about the face. We have a body that is screaming for more attention. Our skin is the largest organ of the body, and requires quite a bit of work. But, because you are reading this, you have quite an advantage over those who did not. Consequently, …

The Power of Seaweed

Ingredient: Seaweed Seaweed is rich in antioxidant polyphenols and some omega 3 fatty acids. Fatty acids decrease inflammation in the skin, support the skin structurally and fight off free radicals. However, the question remains, what is the benefit of seaweed and what does it do for the skin? These fatty acids, along with antioxidants protect …